GHV EOAT Storage Fixture

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Storage Solution for EOATs

Your precious End-of-Arm Tool does not belong on the shop floor, it needs to be protected and hung up on a wall or a storage fixture. The GHVs are available in all of our GPM dove tail base plate sizes. This new version is stamped from stainless steel and has a 40% lower price than the previous, CNC machined version. Each plate is designed to mount on any of our our profiles. Channel nuts and screws are included.
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Part No.DescriptionStorage Fixture forA [mm]B [mm]C [mm]D [mm]E [mm]Material
1-006-04-00GHV 01 NDGPM 01508092512.5Stainless Steel
1-006-07-00GHV 0 NDGPM 05010092512.5Stainless Steel
1-006-10-00GHV 1 NDGPM 18014094025Stainless Steel
1-006-13-00GHV 2 NDGPM 2115210114025Stainless Steel
1-006-16-00GHV 3 NDGPM 3135300114025Stainless Steel

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